The School Library of South Australia (SLASA) provides a service called SLASAnet that connects library staff in South Australia.
SLASAnet is an open forum for issues affecting school libraries and an information network for events and activities of interest to members. It is intended to foster a collegiate sharing of ideas, resources or information.
All are welcome to subscribe. You don't need to be a member of SLASA.
To create a topic, follow, comment or reply, you must be signed in.
Not yet registered for SLASAnet? Sign up here.
By registering for SLASAnet you agree to the SLASAnet Terms of Service
Go to SLASAnet
OtherForming networks through online communities can be useful to help connect library staff with colleagues, share ideas and develop professionally.
You can find SLASA on
Facebook: SA School Libraries
Twitter: @SLASA_SA
Instagram: saschoollibraries
Other online communities are facilitated by different Library Management systems; interested library/readers groups and by following Twitter feeds.
Some you might want to consider are:
Students need School Libraries
Teacher Librarians of SA
There are many informal support networks and hub groups available throughout South Australia.
Hub Groups enable school library staff working in the same library type and/or region to meet regularly for support and networking. Hub Groups are formed and organised voluntarily by interested members with the agenda decided by mutual agreement. They may include professional development, discussion on current issues, library visits, celebrations and social activities.