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Copyright in Schools

Refer to the links below for copyright advice, support and information:


The official guide to copyright issues for Australian schools explains what copyright is, how education licences work and the use of open education resources such as Creative Commons (CC) licensing. The information is available under the CC BY-SA licence.

Australian Copyright Council (ACC)

Includes links to information about ACC publications and training. You may download and print one copy, for your reference, of each of the information sheets.

A guide to Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Includes ideas, information and resources to assist creators, producers with the management of their content in the digital environment.

Open Education Resources

Includes information describing teaching and learning materials that are freely available for everyone to use whether a teacher, student or self-learner. Learning and teaching materials which are made available openly under licences which permit their free access, use, adaptation and sharing by others are transformed into OER.

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