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Policies & Guidelines 

ALIA/ASLA policy on information literacy 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016 (incorporates Statement on Guided Inquiry and the curriculum).

The purpose of this document is to describe what is information literacy in the context of an information literate school community.

ALIA/ASLA policy on school library resource provision 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

The purpose of this document is to ensure resource provision is an effective and integral part of successful curriculum delivery within the framework of the school's policies.

ALIA/ASLA policy on school libraries and information and communication technologies 
Adopted February 2009. Replaced Statement on electronic information literacy, 1994. Amended July 2016.

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) policy describing the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in school libraries and their impact on the delivery and use of information and communication services. (2016)

ALIA/ASLA policy on school library resource centre funding 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) policy to fulfill a school's teaching and learning goals through a well-funded and appropriately resources school library. (2016)

ALIA/ASLA statement on library and information services in schools
Adopted 1989. Readopted 2001. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) statement to demonstrate the purpose of library and information resources, programs and services within schools. (2016)

ALIA/ASLA statement on teacher librarians in Australia 
Adopted 1994. ALIA/ASLA Adopted May 2003. Revised February 2009, July 2016.

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) statement to outline the key roles of the teacher librarian. (2016)

ALIA/ASLA statement on teacher librarian qualifications 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) statement designed to ensure that school libraries are staffed by professionals that hold formal qualifications in school librarianship and classroom teaching. (2016)

AEU (SA Branch) School Library Staffing Policy 2021
Revised 2021

This policy applies to all school libraries and school community/joint use libraries in all public education settings. A qualified Teacher Librarian holds recognised qualifications in both teaching and librarianship. They are eligible for professional membership of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). This dual qualification is critical as it develops a deep understanding of curriculum and pedagogy, and knowledge and skills associated with library management.

ALIA/ASLA/AEU Joint Statement on School Libraries
Revised 2021

Calls on the commonwealth, state and territory governments to ensure equitable access to appropriately funded and well-resourced school libraries, enhanced by the services of fully qualified teacher librarians and other library professionals

ASLA-ALIA recommended minimum information services staffing levels: Table 6 revised
Revised 2020

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) recommendations of minimum staffing levels for all school libraries based on their student population. (2020)

A Manual for developing policies and procedures for Australian school library resource centres, 2nd ed. – text and images

This manual sets out how to develop the policies and document the procedures that are essential for exemplary library management practices. The implementation of these policies and procedures aims to ensure equitable access to resources for all in the school community.

The Template

This is a WORD template for Policies and Procedures - add your library name and work through all the content.

School library resource centre guidelines for self-reflection and evaluation

This document, prepared in a joint partnership by ALIA Schools and VCTL, aims to support schools in their self-reflection. The information gathered would contribute to a self-reflection report. In addition, the document provides a valuable strategy to use in the ongoing monitoring of the school’s improvement plans

IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto 1999

The IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto defines the mission and goals of the school library or resource centre and the profile of its staff.

IFLA School Library Guidelines, 2nd revised edition

These guidelines have been developed to assist school library professionals and educational decision-makers in their efforts to ensure that all students and teachers have access to effective school library programs and services, delivered by qualified school library personnel.

IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians and other Information Workers

The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is offered as a series of ethical propositions for the guidance of individual librarians as well as other information workers, and for the consideration of Library and Information Associations when creating or revising their own codes.

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