For Library StaffASLA/ALIA Policies ASLA Advocacy information This page provides ready reference links to key documents and information to assist school leaders address issues related to staffing, resourcing and managing their school's library and information service. The priority for all schools is to ensure that 'school library and information programs and services are integral to the goals of the school and the aims of the school curriculum.' (ALIA / ASLA joint statement on library and information services in schools, 2003). ALIA/ASLA Joint statement on library and information services This page provides ready reference links to key documents and information to assist school leaders address issues related to staffing, resourcing and managing their school's library and information service. The priority for all schools is to ensure that ‘school library and information programs and services are integral to the goals of the school and the aims of the school curriculum.’ (ALIA / ASLA joint statement on library and information services in schools, 2003). ALIA/ASLA Joint statement on teacher librarians in Australia Library Staffing Policy (AEU/SA Branch) IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto |